Near the mouth of the river Sutorina into the sea, along the coast, there are several springs of mineral water, four of which are large. These mineral waters are chloride, muriatic, ie. according to the German classification, igal mineral water belongs to the group of sodium chloride waters.
In its composition, water has the most sodium chloride, hydrocarbons, sulfates, calcium, magnesium, etc. ingredients. It has been tested several times in chemical institutes of medical faculties in Belgrade and Zagreb. It can be used in various diseases, such as: hypoacidities, dyskinesia, gallbladder, chronic constipation, slow peristalsis. In the form of an aerosol, it is used in diseases of the respiratory tract. It is mostly used as an additive for peloids for dressings, as a basic liquid for mixing with peloid and obtaining peloid baths, heated as a mineral bath and as warm mineral water in a therapeutic pool for hydrogymnastics.