Imediately after the establishment of the cult of St Vasilie the pilgrimage from far away places started. Records of that can be found in an old book called “General leaf“ (Opšti list) from 18th century. Sreten Petkovic a famous scientist wrote: “When the relics were all found, they were transferred to the monastery Ostrog and then began the reunion of believers from nearby areas and St Vasilie became one of the most celebrated saints“. People started to make group pilgrimage. People from Boka were coming to the monastery through Krivosije, Grahovo and Niksic and coming back over Orja luka passing through villages Zagarace, Velestovo, Cevo, Bjelice, Ceklice and Njegusi. Right after Vasilije was proclaimed a saint, common people parliaments (called sabori) were established in Ostrog. They were held on Holy Trinity Day, st Peter’s Day, st Ilija’s Day and on St Vasilije’s day. Famous travelers from our and foreign countries wrote their great impressions about the parliaments, especially about those that were held on holidays such as the Spirits and the Holy Trinity day. An english writer Denigon wrote in 1865. that Ostrog gathers about 20,000 believers when the Spirits are celebrated. Great respect for the saint of Ostrog made this monastery one of the most visited sanctuaries in Slovenian south. Ostrog had an important role at keeping faith and national thought, particulary during the times of slavery. The saint himself left in heredity that tradition. He welcomed troop leaders. Until 1853 the monastery had kept a gun, called „šiba“ that belonged to the national hero Bajo Pivljanin. In the first half of 19th century, the monastery was a center of movement and fight against the Turks. In Ostrog people could also learn how to write. There is a written note from 1712. which informs us about a school which prior Josif Pavicevic opened in 1820.
Travel writers were impressed with monastery and there are a lot of testimonies about that. That’s how the Napoleon’s colonel and French commandant Viala de Somier payed a visit to it in 1810. Montenegro and he wrote a book about it and published it in Paris 10 years later. It is entitled „Historical and political way to Montenegro“. In his book, more pages were dedicated to the monastery Ostrog.