Budva is considered one of the oldest settlements on the Adriatic. Legend, which has its confirmation in many Greek myths, says that Budva was founded by Cadmus, the son of the Phoenician king Agenon. Expelled from Thebes he came to this region of ox-drawn cart and established Budva.
The raises of great Mediterranean cultures marked the spirit of this town, which is felt even today, when Budva has become a unique pearl of the Adriatic. As a tourist destination, this city has been known since long time ago – the first tourists arrived here in 1923, and today Budva is often called the “metropolis of tourism” as the most visited destination in Montenegro and one of the most visited in the Adriatic. What attracts people and brings them in Budva is primarily something that nature has gifted to this area, and gave it the unique beauty of sun, sea and pearly beaches at the foot of great mountains. There are also two fishing villages, Rafailovići and Bečići that its beautiful beaches and quiet nights of this region give a romantic touch.
Panorama of Budva Riviera consists of picturesque natural beauty of towns that provide a unique charm. The ones standing out are Sveti Stefan, Petrovac and Pržno. The great value of Budva is its cultural and historical heritage: numerous monuments, ruins, forts, monasteries, churches …
The richness of landforms, specific soil and climate, lush vegetation laid out as a striking contrast to the rocky hinterland. Cultural plants of the Mediterranean region are widespread. Budva Riviera is known for its olive oil and fruit which gives a special charm to seafood specialties. And there are also grapes and figs. Apart from cypress which are the most widespread, the coast is full of: mandarin, lemon, oranges, pomegranates … In parks and around the houses have long been familiarized oleander, palm trees and mimosa family.
Fauna is the same as in the rest of Montenegrin coast. The game present are: rabbit, fox, marten, weasel, otter, wild boar. The bird world is also rich and varied. All species of birds and wildlife are under a certain regime of protection. Budva is opened towards the sea in its southernmost, warmest and deepest part. Rocky bottom, what is usuall on Budva Riviera, is rich in flora and fauna. It is covered with green, brown and red algae in which live many types of fish seaking for food: mullet, “ušata”, “pirka”, spar, sapa. On stones grow: bream, sea bass, grouper, sea bream, bream, sarago. On the surface, moving in flockes: needles, mackerel and amberjack. Apart from those listed, in our seas live more than 300 species and subspecies of fish. Also frequent are: octopus, cuttlefish, squid and lobster- the most valuable citizen of the Adriatic. Clams include: mussels, oysters and Prstaci.
The offer of Budva restaurants is very diverse. Dominant is Mediterranean and Montenegrin national cuisine. In the forefront is, of course, seafood that is inevitable followed by olives and wine.
Tourist offer of this town is enriched by the traditional manifestations of culture, entertainment, science. Special stories of the nightlife which made Budva famous for, its streets and squares are alive almost all the night and if you let yourself to Budva’s nights and follow the rhythm of your heart, you will surely experience great fun. Finally, there is traditional hospitality that will make your stay more enjoyable.
“Grad teatar” (Theatre city) is one of the events by which Budva is recognized in the former Yugoslavia and in Europe. It was founded with the aim to improve the tourist offer.
Lovers of theater, concerts, literary evenings, as well as famous writers to be affirmed, visual and musical arts, can enjoy a diverse program which runs from mid July to late August.
In late June, an international music festival “Pjesma Mediterana” (“Song of the Mediterranean”) brings together many famous names from the world of music, most of them you can meet in the metropolis of tourism during the summer, and is for held three nights at the Square Slikara in front of the Old City. Exept for the competition of local and foreign performers in traditional and pop music, part of the show are also world-famous names from the world of music and fashion.
Back in 1983 was founded the women’s vocal group “Haronija” (“Harmony”), which is active today. In 1994. “Harmonija” has released an audio tape, and in mid-2001. also CD called “More Ljubavi” (Sea of love).
City Music was founded in 1906. with occasional breaks in the work and today it is one of the main characteristics of Budva.
Monuments (churches, monasteries, castles…) witness the history of this region and are also another attraction. There is also one of the most important legal and historical documents in Montenegro’s medieval Statute of Budva. You will learn more about them by clicking one of the options offered on this page.
Public Institution Memorial Centre “Reževići” was founded in November 1996. years. Municipality of Budva and is headquartered in a restored stone building of the former elementary school located in Reževići the highway with the 5-kilometer from Budva to Petrovac near the monastery Reževići. The old school was built in 1856 and its founder, Archimandrite Demetrios Perazić.Sa smaller or longer operated intermittently until 1962.god. The main activity of the Memorial’s galleries and museum, then take the measures and activities to collect, study, preservation and presentation of material archaeological and ethnographic, historical and artistic character, and the formation and enrichment of different collections, legacies, collections … Memorial Centre “Reževići” in their domain of activities organized by the movable property of significant exposure to culture, arts, science and education, publishes scientific and professional publications, catalogs and collections of works. Cooperate with other cultural, scientific, social and economic entities, organizing discussions, forums, courses, lectures, promotions, artistic, poetic and musical evenings …
JU Memorial Centre “Reževići” consisted of a gallery, library, archive, ethnic room …
As the names of institutions arises, it is basically concerned with the museum, gallery and exhibition and library related activities. It also organizes literary events and roundtables affirming literary medium and giving rise to important cultural issues. Institutions, in addition to working units, and includes conservation and restoration department, as well as for preventive protection of the heritage fund. As part of the Memorial “Stefan Mitrov Ljubisa,” organized, but traditional one “Ljubiša Days” (27-28. February) in which every four years for symposiums with international participation, dedicated to the life and work of our outstanding writer. The successful functioning within the institution and the publishing house “Mediterranean” – Budva.
The museum activity in Budva, binds to its founding in 1962. When I started to compose archaeological collections of the materials discovered by excavations done in 1957-58.g. At that time, the collection of archaeological objects was exhibited in spaces that did not correspond to elementary museum standards.
After an unusually valuable and rich discoveries were made after the earthquake in 1979, and in 4,000 findings (2,500 exhibits) from Budva necropolis, created the conditions for a serious conception of museum activities with adequate space solutions. Today, as part of a public institution, “Museums, galleries and libraries” Budva, “Museums” in organizational terms naklompleksnija work unit, and it carries out activities within the framework of Budva City Museum (archaeological and ethnographic collection) and the Memorial “Stefan Mitrov Ljubisa” and, within these, library services and preventive care. The complexity of this imaginary museum activities stems from the need to show the cultural and historical peculiarities of development of life in a small area of a single area such as the Mediterranean, living and historical conditions of ethnogenesis that makes penetration of different cultures, such as the culture of the Illyrians, Greeks, Romans, Byzantines, Slavs and others, as well as the specific profile brought to the art, archeology and ethnography of the region. As such, the “Museum” is the repository of the cultural history of this city and the destination in general, with specific features of the human spirit and artistic inspiration.
Opening the first proper museum building (Museum of the City of Budva – 2003.) And, as is also expected to hoping, training and opening of the Archaeological Museum, is of extraordinary and overall cultural and scientific interest in Budva, Montenegro, and beyond.
Peter I Petrovic, 11, Old Town
85310 Budva
e-mail: muzejibd@t-com.me
mob. 381 86 453 308
Opening hours:
01/06 – 01/10 every day 09:00 to 22:00
01/10 – 01/06 every day except Monday 8:00 to 21:00
Modern Gallery of Budva has constantly been present on the art map of Montenegro since 1972. years. The strict requirements and criteria in the selection of exhibitors at the beginning of its existence, ensured the position of a reputable gallery. In it, either individually or collectively, were exhibited and represented the biggest names in contemporary artistic expression, not only of the above, but the former Yugoslavia, such as Peter Lubarda, Milo Milunović, Milan Konjović, Sava Šumanović, Pedja Milosavljevic, Zlatko story , Edo Murtić, Filo Filipovic, Cvetko Lainović, Nedeljko Gvozdenovic, Nikola Graovac, Gligor Čemerski, Vojo Stanic, Srdjan Vukcevic, Dragan Mojovic Tucović Milan et al. Modern Art is the organizer of the International Painting Art meeting in Montenegro in 1974. Has hosted many foreign artists: Gutuza, Tabuchia, Pigoznissa, Mosjenka, Nandi, Estruga et al.
Fundus of Modern Art includes 218 paintings, drawings, watercolors, engravings and sculptures, which were, the most part, by gifts, gathered in collections. Among them, the most valuable is a unique collection of modern expressionists. The special place is occupied by cloth Swede Lindstrom, and Japanese Tabuchia. This rare collection was donated to the Modern Gallery of Budva on the merit of its manager Jovan Ivanovic and couple of prominent artists and Ljubinke Mihailović.Galerija Bate has two exhibition spaces designed for the activity of which is larger, measuring 14m x 7m, very interesting and suitable for a variety of even the most demanding settings, and other smaller 5m x 7m.
Ul.Cara Dusan Old Town
85310 Budva
e-mail: galerija@t-com.me
mob. 381 86 451 343
Opening hours:
01/06 – 01/10 on weekdays 8:00 to 14:00 and 17:00 to 21:00
01/10 – 01/06 on weekdays 8:00 to 14:00 and 17:00 to 22:00
The first known information about an organized work of National Libraries in the area of Budva dating from 1864. In Paštrovići since 1890. years. 1900th years. in Budva there are two reading rooms and libraries. At the end of 1926th years. there is a merger of an organization. Since 1960. working in the National University and Cultural Center since 1972. However, since 1992. in the PI “Museums, galleries and libraries” and Budva is the main library of the Riviera. It has a branch in Petrovac and coordinate the work of school libraries. It has a pool of about 60,000 books. Territorial unit in Petrovac has 12,640 books and is permanently housed in the building of the Red Commune. Fund of the Central Library in Budva is computer processed. Library of Budva is one of the leading institutions of its kind in Montenegro. Such a high rank, the Library has managed to achieve the number and quality of purchased items, which resulted in an increased number of readers in relation to the population of the Riviera.
Ul.Mediteranska / Building Zeta Film
85310 Budva
e-mail: muzejibd@t-com.me
mob. 381 86 452 037
Opening hours:
weekdays 8:00 to 20:00 and Saturdays 8:00 to 12:00
(Budva, 1824 – Vienna, 1878), a prominent politician, writer, publicist and translator, too, is part of this work unit. The Memorial House of exhibits relating to the life and work of this versatile from Budva and it consists of official documents, correspondence, newspaper articles, some editions of his works and miscellaneous items.
Ul.Cara Dusan, Old Town
85310 Budva
e-mail: muzejibd@t-com.me
mob. 381 86 452 060
Opening hours:
weekdays 08:00 to 14:00 and 17:00 to 9:00 p.m.
As part of our institution and a special department that deals with preventive protection, conservation, restoration and graphic design. For the purposes of legal entities and individuals create graphic materials. This service sells authentic souvenirs. Anyone interested can contact us at:
Dusan Ul.Cara
Old town
85310 Budva
e-mail: galerija@t-com.me
mob. 381 86 453 321
Opening hours:
weekdays 8:00 to 14:00
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